Are you overwhelmed and feeling like there are not enough hours in the day?
Are you running your business or is it running you?
Do you feel personally unsatisfied with every day, and not sure what actions to take next?
Lauren coaches individuals to:
Identify HOW they use their time now
Focus on WHAT matters
Know WHEN to make changes to impact results

Latest Blog Posts
Make Time to Improve Your Referral Network
Do you get your new business from referrals? Most business owners I work with LOVE their referral partners. I totally agree, as it is much more productive to generate leads from referral partners than it is to do...
How Chronic Rescheduling Impacts Your Productivity
Do you have issues with others who habitually reschedule your appointments with them? Are you a habitual “re-scheduler”? It all started so innocently and normal. Recently, I met a business professional (Mike) at a...
Taking Time to Think About Your Gifts… and Honor Them
You have a unique set of talents and gifts that have been provided to you. Some of those are natural; some of those you have developed along the way. The question is….. What are you known for? If someone were to...
The Gift of Time
Too often we get caught up in the physical gift giving process at this time of year. Endless hours spent online trying to find that perfect gift. Some of us have spent endless hours circling the parking lots at the...
Take Time to Express Gratitude and It Becomes Your Stand Out Factor
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." --William Arthur Ward I notice people who know how to express gratitude. I notice those who do NOT know how to express...
How Fear Impacts Your Time
“I wanted to be scared again…I want to feel unsure again. That’s the only way I feel challenged.” ...