The quote below so resonates with me.
“The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.”
-Napolean Hill
I hope that it resonates with you, as well.
The words “commitment” and “quit holding back” are so powerful to add to our daily vocabulary. As Napolean Hill states that when accept that moment, our world will change.
In my work with business owners, I see many fence sitters. I do not use the words “fence sitters” in a derogatory fashion. Rather, those words signify someone who is unwilling to commit or make a decision.
The lack of decision IS a decision.
My first question is, “Why are you on the fence about this?”
Generally, the reason is that the person lacks clarity or is unsure of the desired outcome. Thus, it is easier to NOT commit and take no action. Remaining a fence sitter will not help to take the requisite actions.
For example, a business owner was reluctant to terminate a poorly performing employee. She was hesitant (maybe scared) to take the necessary action that needed to happen. After talking with her about the possible options and outcomes, she finally committed to take action to terminate this individual.
When faced with a difficult situation, look in the mirror and ask yourself, “What is the real reason I am unwilling to commit to a decision/course of action?”
My guess is that, besides the lack of clarity, there is an underlying fear of failure driving the inaction.
Over the next week, think about this quote. Consider the situations where you DO commit. Observe the unforeseen incidents that rise up to help you.
Become a believer of committing! You matter.