Unexpected events in our life come in all shapes and sizes.
Unexpected events in our life come in at differing times with differing frequency.
Unexpected events in our life sometimes just stop us in our tracks.
Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I stop these crazy, unexpected events from happening to me?”
I have. And I listened carefully for an answer. Crickets. (Crickets means there was no response, in case you had not heard that connection before.)
In February 2016, I received the call I did not want to take. It was from my older unmarried brother, the attorney in Phoenix, saying “I’m struggling with my health and it is not looking good”. Seven days later he was gone. At the time, it seemed like it was just yesterday my brother had called me to let me know our dad only had three days. That was November 2015. Wow, two family members gone unexpectedly.
Thankfully I am self-employed empty nester and could spend two months in Phoenix handling both of their final affairs. The goals I had planned for my life and business during February and March 2016 were not met.
Yes, my productivity was impacted by unexpected events. Upon return to my home in Texas at the end of March, I found it challenging to find the momentum to get back on track. As I look back over the year of 2016, I truly believe that my year started in April for a nine-month year instead of twelve.
The key lessons learned in this challenging year:
- Knowing that unexpected events will happen every day, every week and every month
- Finding grace and ease with myself on what I can and cannot accomplish is a better path
- Accepting that we don’t always know what is around the corner
- Understanding that I only have so much capacity and energy each day – do what I can.
I read and re-read my favorite quote many times this year. Maybe it will help you too, when faced with challenging unexpected events.
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are only human. Life is short. As you go through your Year in Review, consider going easy on yourself.